GMP Audit Guidelines for Excipients
The Falsified Medicines Directive (Directive 2011/62/EU) stipulates that the holder of a manufacturing authorization for medicinal products may only use suitable excipients, which unequivocally meet the relevant GMP requirements for excipients. GMP requirements for excipients are stipulated in the Good Manufacturing Practices Guide by IPEC (The International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council) and PQG (Pharmaceutical Quality Group). This guideline, which is structurally based on the ISO 9001 standard, is universally recognized and provides a framework for conducting thorough audits. It encompasses the assessment of systems for quality control, personnel qualifications, cleanliness, equipment maintenance, and process validation. Additionally, the guideline emphasizes the importance of proper documentation and record-keeping, which facilitates traceability and accountability.
blue offers audits based on IPEC-PQG GMP guidelines and takes into account additional rules and regulations required for an audit at a pharmaceutical excipient manufacturer.