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Packaging material Audits

The EU-GMP Guide Part I stipulates that the selecting, qualification, approval and retention of suppliers of primary and printed packaging materials should be given similar attention as that of suppliers of raw materials. Manufacturers of pharmaceutical packaging materials typically have ISO 9001 and/or ISO 15378 certification. However, such certificates do not replace customer audits. Contaminated or defect packaging materials of medicinal products can lead to serious risks. Due to the high criticality of packaging materials (especially primary packaging materials, sterile packaging materials, and printed packaging materials) audits are an essential part of supplier qualification to ensure compliance with applicable GMP requirements. The holder of the manufacturing authorisation can verify such compliance either by himself or through an entity acting on his behalf. blue offers risk-based audits of all types of packaging material suppliers, including sterile packaging materials. Auditors of blue inspection body are trained on relevant requirements (ISO and GMP) on a regular basis. Only audits performed by trained and experienced auditors can significantly reduce the risk related to packaging materials for medicinal products.
For primary packaging materials, suppliers who are certified according to ISO 15378 are well aware of specific requirements of pharmaceutical companies. The 15378 standard combines ISO and GMP requirements and provides a strong basis for the qualification of a given supplier. Packaging material suppliers which are certified in accordance with ISO 9001 may require a more in-depth risk assessment and audit planning. blue’s auditors are experienced and trained in auditing both standards (ISO 15378 and ISO 9001) und consideration of the related risks. Primary packaging materials are in direct contact with the product and therefore any kind of contamination represents a serious issue. Primary packaging materials should provide adequate protection against contamination that may occur during transportation and storage; therefore, they are critical for the quality of the product. Particular attention should be paid to suppliers of sterile packaging materials. On-site audits at these suppliers must consider the use of the packaging materials for manufacturing of sterile drug products and the related risks. Furthermore, applicable requirements of EU GMP Annex 1 should also be taken into consideration.
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